
Researching And Writing About A Mythical Character

Free Mythology Essay Examples & Topics

Free Mythology Essay Examples & Topics

A myth is a traditional story that attempts to explain a natural or social phenomenon. It usually combines historical events with fantasy. Such stories had appeared long before people learned to read and write; they passed from generation to generation through oral tradition. As a result, there is no single author of any myth, and there cannot be one.

An essay about mythology can reflect the reasons that brought ancient people to compose such stories. For this purpose, you should understand the natural phenomena, human relationships, and religious rites the myth describes. Your essay relies on analyzing the lessons people wanted to teach their descendants. That's why you should see the differences between the ancient and modern vision of reality.

To better understand what is expected from you writing a myth essay, you'll need topic ideas and some guidance. You will find both in this article, prepared by our experts. Below, you can also find some helpful myth essay examples.

Myths, Folklore, & Legends

It is better to know how myth differs from similar kinds of literary pieces. In this section, we'll focus on mythology, legends, and folklore. Note that they are hard to classify and frequently overlap in many aspects.


  • Describe ancient times.
  • Regarded as sacred truth.
  • Perceived as facts.
  • Characters are supernatural forces and beings.


  • Describe historical times.
  • Regarded as history.
  • Are partially factual.
  • Characters are historical figures described as heroes.


  • Never specifies the time.
  • Regarded as secular art.
  • Are devoid of facts.
  • Characters are fictional figures or animals.

Myth Essay & How to Write It

So how should you write an essay about mythology? We have prepared a step-by-step guide.

Following this plan will help you get the highest mark:

  1. Select a topic or myth to write about. If your tutor hasn't limited you in the scope of questions to discuss in your writing, try to select a subject or angle of analysis that inspires you.
  2. Investigate your material. Be sure to check if you can access sufficient materials on the topic you've selected. If not, move to the previous point. Take notes and use bookmarks with explanations. It will save you much time later. Also, make a summary of the most important passages.
  3. Formulate your thesis statement. What would you like to tell the reader of your essay? Formulate the message of your writing. Explain what you want to convey in one concise and meaningful sentence.
  4. Outline your paper. Envision it as a five-paragraph essay. It is often efficient to start from the main body that relies on your thesis, move to the introduction, and finalize the conclusion. List your arguments and one counterargument (if it is a persuasive essay). Think about which background information suits your introduction and which conclusion you will reach in the end.
  5. Include the myths or historical facts. It is a mythology essay, remember? Make sure you've referenced the primary sources. Historical facts will add plausibility to your reasoning.
  6. Write and edit. Follow your outline and correct it if necessary. Never grudge time for revising and editing as it can save your paper.

15 Myth Ideas for Essays

It is high time to decide what you will write about. The topics are not limited to ancient times if your assignment does not indicate the contrary. So, here you can find unique ideas for a myth essay from modern to personal mythology.

Our list is as follows:

  1. Reasons why the Greeks imagined Zeus as an unfaithful husband.
  2. Did myths transform into science or religion?
  3. The story of Batman in The Dark Knight as a myth.
  4. Compare and contrast Disney's Hercules vs. the myth versions.
  5. What is a myth from the point of view of Indian mythology?
  6. How does Norse mythology describe the world's creation, and what does it tell us about the Norse mentality?
  7. Why do we no longer create myths, or do we just call them differently?
  8. What is the central conflict in all Greek mythology?
  9. Why was love so crucial in mythical gods' relationships, and what does it tell us about ancient people?
  10. How did the Iroquois creation myth explain the appearance of the first people, and how different was it from the Christian tradition?
  11. How does the myth of Gilgamesh explain the human perception of immortality?
  12. What are the myths that we encounter in our daily lives, and why are they no longer considered sacred?
  13. The sexism and the role of women in Greek mythology.
  14. Why was warfare the essential part of Norse myths?
  15. Can superhero movies be classified as myths, legends, or folklore?

We hope our advice and topics will bring you to an A+ essay. Below we have collected the best myth essay examples for your inspiration. Share the page with your peers who may need our tips.

96 Best Essay Examples on Mythology

The Suffering Women in Greek Mythology

Zeus told Hermes to go down to the underworld and bid the lord of it to let his bride to return to Demeter.

Hercules in Greek Mythology

The theme of his legends interpretation was to show the power of mythological heroes on the example of one of the most strong and powerful.

Medusa in Greek Mythology

So, it should be pointed out that Medusa was the great character of the Ancient mythology and remains to be the significant image in the world of modern literature and art.

Hebe the Greek Goddess of Mythology

But it is his marriage to Hera that made a great impact in the continuance of the Greek myth. In Greek mythology, Hebe is the personification of youth and immortality.

The Epic of Gilgamesh: Discussion.

The Epic of Gilgamesh and the culture of the ancient Egypt have their own similarities and differences based on the historical events that took place in this cultures and the religious beliefs of the two [...]

"The Power of Myth" the Book by J. Campbell

Through the dynamic of science itself, a new world-view - a new picture of the nature of the universe - is emerging from the present cultural confusion and is showing the first signs of solid [...]

"Argonautika" by Apollonius Rhodius: Jason's the Hero

When the Argonauts land at Lemnos and meet the women of the island, Queen Hypsipyle convinces the men to mate with the women so that they can repopulate the island, omitting the fact that the [...]

Homer's Iliad Literary review

Sometimes it is immense fun to read other's writings."The greatest part of a writer's time is spent in reading, in order to write, a man will turn over half a library to make one book".

The Fallibility and Humanity of Zeus and Other Olympian Gods

The sea fell to Poseidon, the underworld to Hades, and Zeus became Lord of the Sky. Being the wife of Zeus and Queen of Olympus, Hera was powerful, but she exercised her power in subtle [...]

Mythology in Humans Life Analysis

His pride in his role is evident in the words he speaks in which he seems to be almost condescending to them for appealing to other forces than himself in their burning of incense to [...]

The Legend of Tutanekai of Sparta

Because of the scandal of his conception, he was sent to Athens and raised in the temple of Athena where he learned Athenian concepts of Law and Justice.

Jocasta – Victim or Villainess: Mythological Discussion

The details of the incident were never looked into carefully, since at that time Thebes was besieged by the Sphinx a horrible creature with the appearance of a winged lion with the face and the [...]

Three Deserving Of Dante's Hell

Considering the destruction, the loss of human lives and the reduction to slavery of even the Trojan Royalty, aside from the fact that the attack was done in stealth to a sleeping civilian population, Ulysses [...]

The Bible God and the Greek God Comparison

Greek God and Goddess have not been given any proper mention in The Bible, but at more instances it has been given reference as unknown gods and the goddess to the people of Asian origin [...]

Gilgamesh Epic: The Life of a God-Man

Both the Eden story and the Flood Story have clear counterparts in the Gilgamesh epic, whose restless hero also has his parallel in Odysseus of the Iliad, even as Gilgamesh fated friendship with Enkidu can [...]

Underworld in Greek and Roman Mythology

The human personality traits determined the gods and goddesses to be immortalized, hence the actions that were observed in the myths were as a symbol of the actual actions of men.

Apollonian and Dionysian in Euripides' "Bacchae"

The opposition between Apollonian and Dionysian can be described to be in the center of modern literary analysis since literary work is a difficult interrelation between form and contents, norm and abnormality, which can be [...]

Greek Goddess Hera Analysis

The myths tell that hera and Zeos were married in the garden of the gods, and in honor of the occasion, a marvelous tree, bearing apples of gold, sprang out of the earth.

Odysseus of Ithaca in Greece: Literary Journey

The first site to visit is, of course, the story told in simple and easy-to-read print, the story of Odysseus' adventures."Oh Goddess of Inspiration, help me sing of wily Odysseus, that master of schemes!" So [...]

Ancient Civilizations. Odysseus' Loyalty to Penelope

Homer, in his epic The Odyssey tells the story of the heroes of Trojan wars and the most enchanting of all the themes of the classic work is the loyalty of Odysseus to his wife [...]

Ancient Civilizations. Odysseus' Signs of Doom

The suitors remain unaware that their crude behavior to Odysseus has flaunted the laws of the Gods and punishment would follow.

Ancient Civilizations. Odysseus and Polyphemus

Odysseus and his men reach the land of the Kyklopes, a rough and uncivilized race of one-dyed giants. Groaning in pain, the giant hurls boulders at them and prays to his father, Poseidon to wreak [...]

Ancient Civilizations. Odysseus' Sexual Relations

Meanwhile, the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus debate his future and Hermis, the messenger is summoned to order Kalypso to release Odysseus form her.

Homer's Odysseus and Penelope: Who Is Wiser?

Odysseus' size is also apparent when he Many of Odysseus' traits are honored and respected by the people and society in which he lives.

Oedipus and Creon. Power Makes Wise Men Foolish

It is particularly mentionable that the most important element contributing to the tragedy of the play is the challenge of fate by the human powers especially that arises from the pride of kingship.

Zeus's Literary Journey Through Mythology

The episode about the sons of Japetos is placed in the center of the story as the conquest of the supreme power of Zeus over the people and gods.

Greek and Roman Perspectives on Male Friendship in Mythology

The reason for such attitude can be found in the patriarchal culture and the dominant role of free adult males in the Greek and Roman social life. However, this was not the only, and probably [...]

Political Concerns in the Greek and Roman Mythology Lens

Homer is the first teller of the ancient myth about the Trojan war to both attract sympathy for the Trojans and warn against the flaws of such a government.

Mythological Story of the Hero's Journey

The village stood no chance in the attack of her rival warlock Averis known to be the strongest of the magicians, the high caste.

Greek Mythology

Hades is the god of the underworld, and he is the son of Cronus and Rhea. Dionysus is the god who represents wine-making, the fertility of the soil, drinking, and even theater; he is the [...]

Homeric Hymn No. 2: Translations Comparison

After reviewing the two translations, this paper will argue that the version by Foley ranks as superior to the version by Evelyn-White, and the argument will utilize the following passages to prove said claim: the [...]

Demythologization of the Agikuyu Creation Story

He led him to the highest point of the mountain and pointed him to a certain point on the land where there were lots of fig trees referred to as Mugumo in your native language.

Works and Days and Theogony: Zeus

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the reasons why Zeus was able to remain in charge of the gods and what the crucial difference between Zeus and the other gods was.

People Who Remind Me of Greek Gods

In the myths, she is described as the goddess of virginity, the moon, the hunter, childbirth, and caretaker of the natural environment.

The Mythic Elements Usage

Iris blamed the Sky for the fine weather and the absence of rains for a long time as she was allowed to appear only after the rain. The Sky told her that people needed only [...]

Dragon-Fight in "Beowulf" Epic Poem

My armor is blazing in the hot rays of the old sun. He defeated the beast, I must admit it, and and saved the kingdom.

Semiology in "Myth Today" by Roland Barthes

The brevity of it is that myth is a message and its definition does not lie in the content it intends to convey but by the means with which it is conveyed.

Ancient Roman Myth and Historical Facts

Indeed, compared to the Greeks, who composed legends about the creation of the cosmos and the gods, the central place in Roman mythology is given to Rome itself and its heroic people and the specific [...]

Europa and Jupiter in Ovid's and Rembrandt's Works

The myth "Europa & Jupiter, the House of Cadmus" narrates the romantic story about the abduction of Europa by Jupiter. Immediately, the god in the guise of a bull jumped into the sea and began [...]

Gilgamesh and Odysseus Comparison as a Heroes

This myth is priceless for the researchers of Mesopotamian culture since it mirrors the religious traditions of that period, the treatment of gods, the perception of a hero, and attitudes to friendship and death.

Tales of Times Now Past and The Tale of Genji

Moreover, the difference in mentalities and perspectives peculiar to bearers of various cultures preconditioned the appearance of the unique masterpieces that could help to understand the peculiarities of peoples lives in ancient times.

World Creation in "The Earth on Turtle's Back" Story

According to the legend, which the story in question can be described as the creation of the Earth began as the wife of the chief of the sky complained about the dream that had been [...]

Governance and Society in Mi'kmaq Creation Story

The ingenuity of the elders and respect of the societal culture is a critical governance issue. The governing figure in the story is Gisoolg who is the Great Spirit and creator.

Ancient Greek Mythical Characters

The story of Icarus and Daedalus is told in a Roman source, Ovid's "Metamorphoses"; the Isle of Crete was blocked by the order of King Minos, but Daedalus wanted to return to his home, Athens.

Justice and Inequality in Oedipus Rex and Antigone

For instance, in the case of Oedipus Rex, the origin behind the tragedy can be traced to the belief of King Laius in the words of an oracle.

The Ideal Relationship in Ramayana

At the age of sixteen, the sage Vishwamitra sought the help of Rama and Lakshmana to fight the demons. Rama banishes Sita to the forest because of rumors of her impurity.

Reality of Achilles in "The Iliad"

The character of Achilles is real as it is presented in the poem although most of the powers that are portrayed through this character are mere fantasies.

One Eye Character in the Valhalla Rising Film

Due to the events of this quest for knowledge, Odin was always depicted as a one-eyed man. Odin was an excellent warrior and the god of violence and fury.

Myths about Gods and Spirits in Different Cultures

This is one of the reasons why the depictions of god are prohibited by the norms of the Quran. This is one of the peculiarities that should be taken into account.

Cosmic Myths of Ancient Civilizations

Eventually, Purusha was sacrificed by the gods and disassembled. Myth 1 The primordial divine beings, Purusha and Prakriti, interacted and made a sacrifice, which served as the starting point of everything.

"The Golden Bough" by Sir James George Frazer

In his works Totemism and The Golden Bough, he paid much attention to the research of primitive beliefs of nations that populated different colonies.

Vampires in Modern European and American Cultures

Saying that the Dracula franchise has had a major impact on the European culture would be a huge understatement the character, as well as the story, quickly gained a cult following not only in Europe [...]

Myths: Types of Allegory and Historical Periods

The pieces of literature are important to discuss the themes developed in the Greek myths from the modern point of view.

Daedalus, Artemis, Medusa, Heracleidae, Theseus

He is a symbol of progress and the victory of the human mind over forces of nature. Artemis is the representation of the wildlife and its dangers.

Tricksters: the Tennessee Legend about Davy Crockett

He pulled it from the logs and gave it to the barman as payment for the crowd's drinks to the delight of the crowd who drunk beyond their fill.

Mythology: Trickster as a Human Condition

The trickster's creative force is sometimes used to whip the intelligence standing of society and to highlight the importance of creating new cultural traits that people feel are important and necessary in society.

Themis Goddess and Her Archetype

She was the daughter of Gaia, considered to be the first prophet and represents the earth, and Uranus. She was married to Zeus, Father of the Great Achilles and was the mother of the Titan.

The Play "Hekabe" by Euripides

At the beginning of the play, the Chorus delivers the terrible news that Hekabe's daughter is the latest casualty of the Trojan War, and more specifically, Odysseus's machinations."They say that the Greeks, in a general [...]

Was There an Atlantis?

The subject I decided to research for the paper is the mystery of Atlantis. It is enough to give the students a clear, detailed idea of the subject and educate them about this matter.

Prehistoric Greek Tragedy "The Bacchae" by Euripides

The play has won attractions across the main cities in the world. He was the King of Thebes and a cousin to Dionysus.

Greek Mythology: Historical and Factual Roots

Greek mythology is a body of teachings used in ancient Greek to describe the human environment, the passing of time, and natural phenomena. The picture and the story behind it illustrate in many ways the [...]

The Myth about the Black Knight and Viola

That is why it was decided to choose the strongest and the bravest knight to visit the kingdom and try to talk to the dragon. The next day, the Black Knight went to the kingdom [...]

Myths about Life and Earth

The ability to travel between galaxies and bend time is one of the major characteristics that are attributed to the God-like beings. In the end, it is clear that Nature is a divine part of [...]

Mythological Story of Gilgamesh

Connecting the Story to the Bible: Where the Narrations Cross Being listed among the earliest specimen of the ancient literature, The epic of Gilgamesh bears a certain resemblance to another ancient book, which is the [...]

Comparative Mythology. Ugaritic myths of Anat and Baal

Since it was believed that Anat had extra-ordinary powers in matters related to reproduction, war, and harvest, the town of Zoan was expanded and the sanctuary of Anat was renamed as the City of Ramses.

Greek Tale: Greek Tale and the Trojan War

Apollo is the son of the mighty Zeus and Leto. The strained relationship between Apollo and his father was to continue until Zeus turned Apollo's son into a constellation of stars.

The Role of Poets and the place of Poetry in Ancient Greece

The Muse is the giver of gifts and in this case it is the gift to create words that are melodious to the ear but at the same time the power to move the hearts [...]

The Iliad

The ideals of a given culture are determined by the social cultural conditions of a society or can also be greatly influenced by the views and the perceptions of the author.

Infanticide In Ancient Greece

In most ancient societies, children were the property of the parents, and those children who the parents deemed unfit were killed or sold into slavery.

Greek Gods

The second aspect of the relationship between the Greek gods and humans is that the gods sought to influence human action to achieve their own "divine" ends.

Gilgamesh and Joseph Campbell's Monomyth

For instance, the separation stage encompasses a "call to adventure, refusal to heed the call, and a crossing of the first threshold". The last part of a hero's journey according to Campbell is the Hero's [...]

The prodigal daughter

The parents told her that they were ready to support her under the condition that she goes back to her family and apologise to the husband.

Philosophy & literature: mythology through gilgamesh

At the beginning of the myth, Gilgamesh decides to conquer the jungle's beast, Humbaba. The myth of Gilgamesh is a well-known literary piece.

The Downfall of Pentheus: The Clash of a Monarch and a God

Although it is traditionally considered that the key reason behind Pentheus's death was his denial of Dionysos as a god, it can also be argued that Pentheus's non-acceptance of Dionysos was only the factor, while [...]

The Comparison of Gilgamesh and Odysseus

This paper is aimed at discussing the journeys undertaken by the main characters; in particular one should focus on their motives of the protagonists and the way in which both Gilgamesh and Odysseus were transformed [...]

The Epic of Gilgamesh

Enkidu, another man who is also depicted in the Epic of Gilgamesh as having a power in terms of how he treated his companions, meets King Gilgamesh in some of the scenes in the epic [...]

Achilles Armour

Achilles's armor is considered as one of the best and the most powerful, that is why it is not a surprise that Ajax and Odysseus wanted to have it after Achilles's death.

Use of Mythology in Snow Crash

He was involved in the invention of the Trojan horse tactics which was the main reason that led to the Greeks winning the war.

Ancient Poetry Analysis

The author's description of the ensuing mayhem highlights the concept of pathos."On the first strike, the reports run for cover while the camera operator and the soundman persevered on, only to realise they stood no [...]

Power Relations in Greco-Roman Myth

Several literatures available describe the position men and women occupied in the Greco-Roman mythology, with the most interesting consideration being on the position of the women in the Greek and Roman societies.

Saint Claus Myth

Santa Claus is believed to bring gifts in the houses of the good children on the night before the Christmas day.

Meaning of Gilgamesh's Quest

After Enkidu's death and the loss of the magic plan of the rejuvenation walls, Gilgamesh is reduced to a humble and introverted seeker.

American Born Chinese

The first allegory used in the book is the one of the Monkey King who was a great person, who was recognized by gods from the very first moment of his birth, and who worked [...]

To What Extent Did the Romans Take Their Mythology from the Greeks?

In this paper, the ideas to what extent Roman mythology is similar to Greek one, the differences and similarities of myths from different cultures, and the impact of these two mythologies will be introduced; a [...]

Important Virtues in Human Life: Plato's Protagoras and Hesiod's Works and Days

Plato and Hesiod tried to evaluate the ideas of justice in their worlds and the ways of how people prefer to use their possibilities and knowledge using the story of Prometheus; Plato focused on the [...]

Iris and the Sky Myth

The myth offers intrinsically narrates the war that Iris had with the sky due to the pride of Iris. The "Iris and Sky" myth fits in the etiological theme of the classical mythology.

The Issue of "Man's Relationship with the Divine" in Greek Mythology

As the reader explores the idea of divinity throughout most of the Greek mythologies and epics, it becomes clear that there is a strong connection between the people of Greece and their gods thus making [...]

Zhong Kui, the Keeper of Hearth and Home: Japanese Myth with Buddhist Philosophy

Zhong Kui, the Demon Queller, or Shoki, as foreigners call this creature, is the keeper of the hearth and home in Japan and one of the most picturesque characters of Japanese legends.

Relationships between Gods and Mortals in Greco-Roman Mythology

The popularity of the theme of love affairs between the gods and the mortals can be explained with the peculiarities of the concept of divinity in Greeks and Romans.

Zeus' mythology

Zeus' main weapon was the thunderbolt and he was commonly referred to as the father of men and gods. Zeus had to fight with the remaining Titans and he was able to vanquish one of [...]

The Platonic Conception of Eros

An important aspect to note when it comes to the issue of eros and the Greek interpretation of this kind of love is the contribution made by the Plato in ensuring the nature and meaning [...]

Supernatural Explanations in Mythology to Natural Events

Therefore, the myth of Deucalion and the flood is one of the examples when the natural event is explained by means of the supernatural background.

The Roman creation myth

However, the most common myth indicates that before creation of the heavens, the sea and the earth were made and whatever existed could only be described as lifeless, disorganized and shapeless matter.

The Traditional and Modern Myths

The Biblical conceptualizations of the origin of man provide an excellent form of a myth in the antiquity while the relatively new myth of the Superman offers the best illustration of a myth in the [...]

Mythology as a means to understand the Power Relations between Men and Women

But the moment things turn ugly, everyone turns to her as the reason for the cursed ground, the foul weather, and the of course the anger of the gods.

Achilles as a Classical Hero

In the Greek history, a story is told of a man, Achilles, who possessed characteristics that the Greek culture reserved to heroes.

Mythological and Modern-Day Heroes

Myths and other forms of literature were the tools that the community used to pass the deeds of the heroes from one generation to the other.

Norse Cosmogony: "The Creation, Death, and Rebirth of the Universe" Summary

But, the content of the myth is meaningful in terms of representation of human beliefs in the creation of the world, structure of the universe and reflect people's vision and explanation of the power of [...]

The Circular Ruins

The wizard in 'The Circular Ruins' lives in the reality of ordinary men before he relocates to the ruins and he is regarded by others and views himself as a normal man.

Life of Nicias, Life of Crassus, Comparison of Crassus with Nicias

However, later in his reign, Crassus fell into conflict with King Hyrodes and he was slew by Surena, one of the king's men. Crassus died in the hands of Surena after falling apart with his [...]

Heroes and gods

Aphrodite Zeus daughter was the god of love in Greece she was the cause of the Trojan War as explained below, and had very many lovers.

Heroes in History

With the protection of Hermes and Athena, Perseus went ahead and beheaded Gorgon Medusa and took her head to the king of the island.

Mythology's Role in the Ancient Greece – God Poseidon

He was believed to be the creator and the controller of the sea therefore, people gave him respect and they make him to become angry. Poseidon was a god of the sea and therefore was [...]

Titles, Class and Identity as the Peculiarities of Ransom by David Malouf

In this case, the essence of titles, class and identity plays a significant role in the narration as the explanation of the human behavior and the reasons of the social conflicts.

Diversity of human nature basing on characteristics and circumstances

Dido is the queen of Carthage and Dido's father was a king of the Phoenicians. After Medea's husband abandons Medea for another woman, Medea is married to another man in the land she fled to.

Ancient Works of Literature

According to the author, the king is "given such glory of war, such honor of combat, that all his kin obey him gladly till great grow his band of youthful comrades".the character of the king [...]

Greek Mythology Influence

In fact, majority of the traditions that people in the modern society carry out have their origin in Greece. One Greek mythology that has influenced the whole world is the celebration of the Olympic Games.

Pride in Ancient Greek

This paper discusses the character and behavior of two Heroes in the Iliad with the aim of explaining the Geeks' concept of pride.

Researching And Writing About A Mythical Character


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